Patricia's Correspondence

I received this, my eighteenth message from Patricia, a second on 9th February 2011. This email letter is signed by Patty A and Margaret B with only Margaret's email in the signature but Patty's in the sender field. This one is shrinking again. A new trend? After all it is the day follow-up!

Subject: Re: Hello

To Whom It May Concern:

The veterinarian technician assistant we took or cat "Sunny" to I thought liked "Sunny" and was good with cats and he liked her also. She was a new assistant and I hope she was alright and wasn't a volunteer nutcase that was unreliable or not trustworthy or not a good hire. I've ran into something similar over the years only with people instead of pets because of the numerous mental health, homelessness and volunteer organizations I've been around. Well meaning volunteers as well as professionals with degrees in health care can be a little nutty or in recovery themselves and not the sharpest tool in the shed or not very reliable. I hope our innocent cat "Sunny" and other pets aren't victims of out of control volunteerism or socialistic health care gone amuck. It's bad enough what has happened to me over the years but cats, pets and animals shouldn't have to be the victims of that also.

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We were always good to our pets over the years and this is the first time anything like this has happened to us and that is why I find it so strange and hard to believe and unbelievable. He must have gotten mixed up with our neighbors next door who had too many cats and even kids that weren't their own and weren't well taken care of. They weren't capable of taking care of so many cats and kittens and they even had a pit bull they were trying to grandfather-in according to the state law. She has since gotten rid of all the cats and kittens and even some of her children as well as her ex-husband who was a drug addict who tried to break into our house and my car when I first moved back home in about 2001. Either he and his friends tried to break into our house looking for drugs or money because they had just witnessed the altercation between myself and the other neighbor when the cops showed up and when my mother had just gotten out of the hospital and apparently got the idea it was OK to continue to harass me even though they had just moved in and he was a drug addict and they didn't even know us or our situation around here at all or it may have been a raccoon. It is a shame our cat "Sunny" had to get accidentally mixed up with all the other cats and kittens who weren't well taken care of or weren't even hers and many didn't have an ID tag whereas our cat did. I wish now that our vet had placed a computer ID chip in "Sunny" so he wouldn't have gotten lost or could have been easily identified and not mixed up with stray cats and kittens or our neighbors and their problems.

Patty A. and Margaret B.