Patricia's Correspondence

I received this, my twenty-third message from Patricia, the second of three on 12th February, 2011. This email letter is signed by Patty A and Margaret B with only Patty's email in the sender field and in the signature. It's a little longer than last shorties -- we've had longer letters before.

Subject: RE: Hello

To Whom It May Concern:

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There were happier times at Grand Junction and Mesa College but I was also younger and not so many bad things had happened to me yet. Astrid Anderson, my counselor at MHCD said there wasn't much wrong with me but I also had a bad habit of staring too much. I didn't know what she meant by that and I never had a problem with staring before. I still don't know what she meant by that unless she had me confused with someone else who did had a problem with staring too much. The medication designed to control side affects that I was on then shouldn't have caused problems like that. I had problems studying and focusing very long because the side affect controlling medication caused my eyes to feel like they were rolling all the way back in my head but never caused me to stare too much. I could have had trouble seeing the blackboard in front of the classroom. Our eye doctor in Denver said I needed contact lenses or glasses. The medication caused me to squint or feel and look like I was squinting and a hard time seeing. I wouldn't know because I never had a chance to see the blackboard without being heavily medicated. I could have been still growing and hadn't reached full adulthood so I hope too much medication didn't hinder normal eyesight growth and development. A lot of medication that I was on I was told later was too much or too strong or the wrong kind and for too long a time. I had passed out several times starting in high school because of too much medication and it wasn't monitored correctly so I was told. It wasn't because I was an alcoholic or drug addict. That was another misdiagnosis or an example of prejudice and ignorance I was subjected to back then.

The only people I am aware of that inappropriately stare too much providing they don't have other physical health problems that cause vision problems are certain types of homosexuals. I don't like people staring at me when it is uncalled for and without reason and self-control or because they like to freak me out because they are emotionally troubled or misguided and immature or have problems with women in general. You have me confused with someone else.

Patty A and Margaret B